Take, for example, italics, the semicolon, or pocketsized books. Erasmus did not hold back compliments for his printer. Aldus manutius adapted this symbol as his printers mark. With pocketsized books, reading became an intimate moment, an activity that could be enjoyed while traveling, lying in bed, or sitting on a garden bench.
Indeed, the aldines, as books from the aldus press founded in 1494 are known, were of superb quality. Manutius also introduced the final form of modern books, as well as producing smaller, pocket editions of classical greek works and latin works that were designed to be carried around, a forerunner to the paperback. The venetian senate gave aldus exclusive right to its use, a patent confirmed by three successive popes, but it was widely counterfeited. In his prefatory letter to pietro bembo, within his 1514 edition of virgil, aldus recorded that he took the small size, the pocket book formula, from your library, or rather from that of your most kind father ed. These were all innovations by the great venetian printer, humanist, and educator aldus manutius 144914501515. Griffo became unsuccessful without his partner, unable to sell is original designs to other printers. Innovator of the pocket book, and the semicolon by simon hudson, editorcontent operations february 6, 2015, marks the 500th anniversary of the death of aldus manutius the elder, the founder of the aldine press and renaissance pioneer of the printing and publishing industry. In the 1500s there lived a man whose work and ingenuity brought about a revolution just as farreaching as that of steve jobs in technology and communications. Unlike penguin, pocket books were lavishly illustrated with bright covers. Aldus pius manutius was an italian humanist, scholar, educator, and the founder of the aldine.
Aldus pius manutius 14491450 february 6, 1515 was an italian humanist who became a printer and publisher when he founded the aldine press at venice his publishing legacy includes the distinctions of inventing italic type, establishing the modern use of the semicolon, and introducing inexpensive books in small formats bound in vellum that were read much like. For a limited time, aldo is offering up to 50% off the original price on select styles. Aldo manuzio il vecchio, aldus manutius the elder, teobaldo. Aldus manutius venetian scholar, who became a publisher and printer when he founded the aldine press in 1495. This was the inviting text above the venetian shop of the printer aldus manutius in the late 1400s. In rome, he studied latin under gaspare da verona and attended lectures by domizio calderini in the early 1470s. Aldus manutius and the noble bembo by joel friedlander on october 22, 2010 23 comments i grew up with huge, heavy american type foundry type sample books in our living room, and would spend hours looking at the designs. It was for these pocketsized classics aldus designed the italic font. Manutius wanted to create an octavo book format that gentlemen of leisure could easily transport in a pocket or a satchel, the long, narrow libri portatiles of his 1503 catalogue, forerunners of the modern pocket book. History of graphic design chapter 7 flashcards quizlet. Pocket book developed by aldus manutius, a smaller book, made more economical by being set in an italic type font. Manutius produced the first printed editions of many of the greek and latin classics and is particularly associated with the production of small, excellently edited pocket size books printed in inexpensive editions.
Aldus press is named in honour of the acclaimed fifteenthcentury venetian humanist, scholar, educator, and printer aldus manutius. The figure of aldus manutius, the michelangelo of the book, is inseparable from. I probably first heard of him indirectly because a company named after him were the. The term aldine edition is derived from aldus manutius, a 16th century venetian printer who invented a print type that enabled the printing of a book small enough to put into ones pocket. He then hit on the idea of bringing out inexpensive pocket editions for the new readers produced by the humanist movement. This revolutionary technology is defined by maximum visual similarity between the display of the e ink device and a paper page. Between the smaller size type and the narrower width of italic characters, a fifty percent gain in the number of characters per line of a given measure was achieved. The man who changed reading forever the venetian roots of revolutionary modern book printer aldus manutius shaped books as we know them today. One was vera kaestlinbock, an early member of the wmf venice committee who became involved with the committee and its restoration work because it used aldus symbol, a dolphin entwined around an anchor, as its logo. Aldus manutius, the great early venetian printer and publisher. He invented the pocket book editions of the classics in greek and latin so that all could own and read these books but also gentlemen of leisure could easily transport in a pocket or a satchel. He introduced personal or pocket editions of the classics in latin and greek that all could own, as well as works by contemporaries pietro bembo and erasmus.
Manutius married in 1505, and thereafter the name of his fatherinlaw, andrea torresani di asola, appeared regularly with his in imprints. An animation showing the true location of aldus pius manutius s aldine press on the camp santagostin in venice. Manutius converted to the smaller format in 1501 with the publication of virgil. The first pocket book title was the good earth by pearl buck, and it was sold in macys. Aldine press italian publishing company britannica. Aldus manutius academic dictionaries and encyclopedias. Aldus manutius the art and popular culture encyclopedia. It is a member of the oldstyle of serif fonts, with its regular or roman style based on a design cut around 1495 by francesco griffo for venetian printer aldus manutius, sometimes generically called the aldine roman. His love of classical culture and books prompted him to create the modern pocket book concept. Paulus went to rome in 1561, leaving the aldine press to his son aldus manutius the younger. In april 1501 venetian scholar printer aldus manutius issued an edition of the. Aldus manutius and early medical humanist publishing.
Pocketbook basic 3 is made in a laconic design, and will be presented in two colors. He called his creation later misnamed pocketbooks the enchiridion. They were developed or enhanced by aldus manutius, a printer and publisher who lived from 1449 to 1515 in venice. Having settled in venice in 1490, manutius soon began printing classical greek works, including. The ergonomic joystick button makes the usage convenient, even holding the device with one hand. This one includes his prefaces to books in latin as. Bembo also played a role in relation to the symbol that distinguishes manutius editions which first appeared in a 1498, the emblem of a dolphin clinging to an anchor with the motto festina lente, make haste slowly. Manutius devoted a substantial part of his life to publishing rare latin and greek texts and devised the concept of italic lettertype. The pocketbook touch model is a device for reading which. He founded the aldine press in venice during the high renaissance. Aldus manutius, who operated the successful aldine press in renaissance venice, is hardly a household name, but he has his enthusiasts. Aldus, making haste slowly, has acquired as much gold as he has reputation, and richly deserves both.
Aldus manutius was born close to rome in bassiano between 1449 and 1452. Take, for example, italics, the semicolon, or pocket sized books. Manutius, however, continued to thrive and print many classical editions in his pocket book size with italic typefaces and was successful until the day he died in 1515. Not much is known of manutius early life but he was born outside of rome he proudly added romanus to his name, in a small village called bassiano. Sometimes he is referred to as the elder to distinguish him from his grandson the younger. He is sometimes called the elder to distinguish him from his grandson aldus manutius the younger his publishing legacy includes the distinctions of inventing italic type, establishing the modern use. Aldus pius manutius 1449 february 6, 1515, 1 the latinised name of aldo manuzio sometimes called aldus manutius, the elder to distinguish him from his grandson, aldus manutius, the youngerwas an italian humanist who became a printer and publisher when he founded the aldine press at venice his publishing legacy includes the distinctions of. Aldus manutius a humanist printer for humanist readers.
Aldus began printing in 1490 with a series of greek texts. These were all innovations by the great venetian printer, humanist, and educator. From 1475 to 1478, manutius studied greek in ferrara with guarino da verona as his. The latest book in the librarys collection printed under aldus care was in fact the last book his press produced before his death. Around 1502, manutius and griffo went their separated ways. In april 1501 venetian scholar printer aldus manutius issued an edition of the poems of. Aldus probably derived it from an ancient roman coin that the antiquarian and numismatic enthusiast bembo offered to him. Logo of the aldine press whoever you are, aldus asks you again and again what it is you want from him, state your business briefly, and then immediately go away. He grew up in a wealthy family during the italian renaissance and in his youth was sent to rome to become a humanist scholar. He printed the great works of the greeks and romans in books so beautiful that they are still sought after today and yet at the time were cheap enough for a craftsman to buy the aldine press printed not just the greeks and romans, but also the. After manutius s death his brothersinlaw, the asolani, carried on the aldine press until 1533, when his third son, paulus manutius, took over. The pocket format was also a great success and aldus and his sons continued to publish classical and italian texts in small format throughout the sixteenth century. This is a sequel or companion volume to the previous book of aldus s prefaces, which i posted about a few months ago. The pocketbook touch display is based on e ink epaper technology.
Venice, 6 february 1515 is generally regarded as the prince of renaissance printers. Pocketbook basic 3 is a simple way to a great passion. Aldus manutius, the greatest printer of the renaissance, the inventor of the book and modern publishing, died in venice in 1515, but venice unexpectedly decides to celebrate his 500th anniversary only in 2016. Roger gulrais like cutting ofi the spines, and page jani, aldus, r064225500. The man who changed reading forever travel smithsonian. In 1502, aldus manutius invented the portable pocketsize bookthe small format libelli portatiles portable little bookseffectively creating the mobile phone of his day, according to bilton. Aldus manutius research papers on the italian printer. Offer is valid between april 8, 2020 and april 19, 2020, 11. Bembo is a serif typeface created by the british branch of the monotype corporation in 19281929 and most commonly used for body text. How the paperback novel changed popular literature arts. How books designed for soldiers pockets changed publishing forever copy link facebook twitter reddit flipboard pocket a hospitalized soldier passes the time with an armed services edition. February 6, 2015, marks the 500th anniversary of the death of aldus manutius the elder, the founder of the aldine press and renaissance. What do italics, semicolons, commas, and the pocket sized book have in common.
So many things that we now find usual and commonplace were once someones inventions maybe even a risky madness, as judged by contemporaries. It was aldus s desire to secure greeces rich literature from any further loss that encouraged him to adopt the small book format. Aldus manutius 2 aldus manutius, the great ea flickr. Aldus pius manutius bassiano, 1449 venice, february 6, 1515, 1 the latinised name of aldo manuzio sometimes called aldus manutius, the elder to distinguish him from his grandson, aldus manutius, the youngerwas an italian humanist who became a printer and publisher when he founded the aldine press at venice his publishing legacy includes the distinctions of. The pocket book, index, page numbering and italics, everything that seems logical and natural in a book now, was only thanks to him that.
The aldine press was the first in the world to issue pocketsized editions of books, printed in octavo format. Aldus introduced smaller editions of the classics that would be more affordable. Indeed, in his twentyyear activity as a printer from 1495 to 1515, aldus published more than 120 editions of extraordinary purity of proportions, and with beautiful founts cut by the goldsmith and punchcutter francesco griffo. In november the first fruits of the books and beasts collective appeared in print in an article published in the leading scientific journal pnas proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america.
13 1273 806 507 542 77 778 315 627 229 139 48 32 410 715 59 1347 1094 1241 260 292 1468 1344 427 1314 74 146 1457 498 981 340 943 45 1492 492 682 1036